


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Today is officially the first day of fall. I’m always so excited when this time of year rolls around. The air is crisp and the leaves are turning into beautiful shades of orange, yellow, brown and red. Just thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas makes my heart sing. I wish Fall lasted all year!

Of course, I know this is not possible. God designed earth to have four seasons; winter, spring, summer and fall.  The earth needs each season to function properly. It needs cold winters to control the bug population, the rain of spring and the heat of summer to bring in new flowers and trees.

Just as God designed earth to have different seasons, so it is with mankind. God our Father, in His infinite wisdom, allows us to experience different seasons within our lives. There are seasons of great joy and happiness. Then there are tough character building seasons, that challenge us mentally, physically and emotionally. Often, we want the these to end as quickly as possible. But it is in the hard times God shapes our character most. During one of the most difficult seasons of his life, King David stated, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” Psalms 119:71

Currently, I’m in the season of mothering three small children. It is filled with many wonderful moments. Yet it is one of the toughest seasons I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve understood this season for quite some time but I have not always embraced it. In the beginning, I was so excited God had chosen me to be a mother.  After my second child, I lost focus and my excitement quickly turned into frustration. I started viewing motherhood as a weight and hindrance to my career, dreams and aspirations. I spent several years feeling as if I was putting my life on hold for my family.  Still, I continued to stay-at-home with my children. I knew in my heart it was best for them and our entire family. I tried earnestly to mask my frustrations. I was afraid of what people would think if they knew how I actually felt. After all, I love my husband and children dearly.

It took humbling myself and going to God in prayer to receive the right perspective. I knew, I could be honest with God. Plus, He told me to give him my cares. Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you,” I Peter 5:7.  I remember so distinctly the day God quietly spoke to me and said, “Renee the weight you’re feeling is not from me. It is the pressure of society.” It was at that point, I realized my views of motherhood and success had been shaped by society and not the word of God. Suddenly my heart changed. The minute I truly opened up to God, He revealed his will to me. He changed my view of success and gave me his view. I went from viewing being a stay-at-home mom as a burden to viewing it as a privilege and honor, no matter the sacrifices.

There is such wisdom in understanding and embracing every season of life. When a woman fully understands and embraces each season of her life, she focuses on what is necessary; not only what is important.  Everything that is important is not always necessary. However, everything that is necessary is always very important. It all depends on the season. For example, as a mother of young children, it may be important that I receive a promotion at work but it is not necessary,  if it requires many hours away from home.

Time passes so quickly. God has given us this brief period to train our children according to his word. What we do during this time will affect our children their entire lives. God has shown me the importance of pouring into my children. He is teaching me to cherish this season. Although, it feels as if this season will last forever, it will soon come to an end.

I still have many days of frustration. On the days I feel like giving up, I ask God for more grace to accomplish the assignment he has given me of raising my children. I ask for wisdom to discern and do what is necessary for the success of my family. I ask him to help me see past this brief moment and realize the future blessings that will come from my decision to obey Him. As a result, God continues to assure me my labor is not in vain. One day I will reap the fruit of my hard work and dedication.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:7-9

Have you fully embraced your current season?

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